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Company Email Overview

A quick guide to Company WebMail.




Enter your company username and password into the fields provided. This is the same password you use to login to your desktop computer. It is case sensitive.


If you do not know your company username & password, please call 985.748.8214, ext. 755 for assistance.


 Use this web address to start the WebMail program.


Once entered, you should save this address in your

Favorites or create a link on your desktop.



The first time you login, you will have to set your language and time zone.


Your contacts are located in the upper left hand corner.


The calendar is fully functional with the ability to invite attendees and also view public calendars.


Automatic Out-of-Office Replies

The Auto-Reply function is located in the “Options” menu at the top right corner. You will have the option of adding start and end dates for the Auto-Reply.



You will also be able to handle tasks in the WebMail interface.


If you are in need of any assistance, please contact the IT Department.

Ph: 985.748.9687, ext. 755






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